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I’m thrilled to share a unique case study from my personal journey with BeLive, a pioneering live streaming platform beloved by content creators worldwide. My journey with BeLive began when I joined as a marketing manager in 2016.

However, my role evolved significantly as I transitioned into freelancing and later founded my own outsourcing company. Throughout this transition, I continued collaborating with Daniel Mayer, BeLive’s founder, ensuring the marketing team was always staffed with the best talent.

Challenges with Growing the Marketing Team

The primary challenge was expanding the marketing team with dedicated, skilled marketers from various fields without overextending resources, especially time. Daniel, deeply invested in multiple company initiatives, found it challenging to dedicate time to the exhaustive hiring process. Moreover, the need for team flexibility was paramount; the marketing focus could shift from PR to other areas depending on current needs.

Irene not only saved us time and resources. She also saved us the potential hiring issues because she understood what we needed.

Daniel Mayer

Solution: Flexibility and Precision

Collaborating closely with Daniel, we took a methodical approach rather than diving straight into hiring. My previous experience as a marketing manager for startups allowed me to align closely with BeLive’s initiatives and goals. This alignment helped us reverse-engineer our strategy to pinpoint exactly what was needed in terms of staffing.

After a detailed analysis and understanding of the required positions, we identified the specific types of marketers required and determined whether they needed to be full-time employees or part-time collaborators. A significant part of our strategy was sourcing the right talent from the Philippines – individuals who could not only integrate well into the company culture but also had a deep understanding of the target audience.

We concluded that the team didn’t need full-time employees. Instead, we needed a part-time content manager who could lead different initiatives and hire other contractors on a project basis. This would allow them to be more flexible and release marketing initiatives faster and more efficiently.


By identifying what exactly was needed and eliminating the unnecessary, I helped Daniel build his dream marketing team while significantly saving around 40% per year in salaries.

We identified and eliminated two unnecessary positions, which allowed us to reallocate resources more efficiently. Our focused hiring led to the onboarding of a part-time content manager who was familiar with the live video industry and had significant experience working with creators in the U.S. This strategic adjustment not only streamlined the team but also enhanced their marketing efforts by aligning them more closely with industry and audience expectations.


This case study is more than a narrative of successful outsourcing; it’s a testament to the power of strategic planning and understanding in talent acquisition. By collaborating closely with BeLive’s founder and applying a thoughtful approach to team composition, we overcame significant challenges. The result was a more agile, efficient, and effective marketing team poised to support BeLive’s continued growth.