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For solopreneurs and startups, managing the complexities of content creation can often seem like a Herculean task. The challenge is not only to build an effective content team but also to do so in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. But what if you could pair talented writers with advanced AI tools? It’s a game-changer.

You can revolutionize your content strategy by building a content team in the Philippines and equipping them with AI. This combination unlocks cost savings, efficiency, and quality content generation. Let’s explore leveraging this strategic advantage for your startup’s content needs.

Listen to the full podcast for more examples of the projects I’m currently running.

AI Amplifies Your Existing Processes

AI can’t amplify something that doesn’t exist. Make sure that you already have an existing content process in place that you do manually. For example, if you publish one blog post per week, AI tools can help you produce 3 blog posts per week by roughly adding a minimal amount to your budget.

So, before hiring a content team, ensure you have some process in place and don’t completely start from scratch. If you’re starting from scratch, try to do everything manually first.

Essential Members of a Content Team in the Philippines

Identifying the key players necessary to form an AI assistant content team is crucial. Here is a rundown of the roles and their responsibilities:

Content Manager

This individual is critical for the smooth operation of the team. Their responsibilities involve ensuring that deadlines are met and planning the content calendar. They oversee the content creation process and ensure the entire team works towards the same goals.

SEO Specialist

Your content manager may not necessarily be an SEO specialist. You need someone who can identify the overall SEO strategy, including keywords to focus on. You can hire someone on a project basis to do the keyword research and prepare the content brief.


Hiring writers right off the bat could work, especially if you, as a founder, have experience in content creation or editing. However, the writer needs to focus solely on writing. They shouldn’t be burdened with planning a content calendar or conducting keyword research, as their main duty is to produce high-quality content efficiently and quickly.

As the CEO, you would provide the necessary resources and tools, letting the team focus on the content creation process. This setup helps scale content production in the most effective way, allowing each member to stay in their lane and replicate their skills rapidly and efficiently.

Building a Cost-Effective Content Team in the Philippines

When it comes to pulling together a killer content team in the Philippines, the cost savings can be pretty impressive if you play your cards right. You can snag a writer for $30 per blog post. But the cost could go up to $150 per article, depending on the experience and specialty.

You can hire someone at $5 per hour for an hourly rate. But this can also go up to $15 per hour for highly experienced writers.

It’s often best to start by paying per article, especially if you’re still feeling out a new hire on a smaller project before committing to a full-time arrangement.

Once you’ve established that a writer can consistently deliver the goods, you could switch to a flat monthly fee. For example, we’re currently paying one of our writers a set monthly rate to produce 12 blog posts.

The ballpark cost of building an AI-assisted content team in the Philippines can come to around $2,000 per month. This includes a content manager and a writer working full-time or part-time, depending on their experience. There are freelancers who can work part-time, but their output is almost as efficient as a full-time employee’s!

Essential Tools for Your Content Team

Alright, now let’s chat about the tools you’re gonna need. There are loads of options for AI tools. My personal favorite for producing blog posts is ChatGPT Plus, which will run you about $20 a month.

screenshot of ai tools

Navigating the Time Zone Differences with the Philippines

Time zones can be a crucial factor when managing a content team in the Philippines. For content creators such as writers, a matching time zone isn’t a must. They can work on their tasks at any hour. However, when it comes to your content manager, you might want someone working a part of your business hours. But if you’re a fully asynchronous team, then it really doesn’t matter what time everyone works!

In my experience, I’ve seen teams spread across the Philippines, Ukraine, and EST time zones work effectively together. Here’s a quick breakdown of how you could manage the different time zones:

  • If it’s 12:00 PM in New York, it’s 12:00 AM in the Philippines. This 12-hour difference can seem daunting, but with careful planning, it’s totally manageable.
  • Be explicit in your job descriptions about the need for flexibility in scheduling, especially for team calls. For instance, a 9:00 AM EST call would be 9:00 PM in Manila — late, but not too late.

If plan your content calendar ahead of time, you won’t worry too much about the time zones. I currently manage writers and contractors from different time zones: the Philippines, UK, the US, and Ukraine. Because I have a ton of experience running asynchronous teams, my teams don’t have to coordinate their shifts.

Wrapping Up: Building an Efficient Philippine Content Team for Your Startup

For startups looking to streamline their content strategy, building a content team in the Philippines is a highly cost-effective and viable approach. By carefully choosing roles, equipping the team with the right AI tools, and thoughtfully managing time zone differences, you can foster a productive environment. Though it may require a fair amount of planning and training, the rewards of having a dedicated, capable content team can significantly boost your startup’s growth, delivering high-quality content that aligns with your goals and targets.